Picking the right style and design for a site is often a hard process. You will have to search themes internet directories and examine a large number of comparable themes to find the one that appeals to you the most. We have made an effort to change it for you by incorporating a selection of free themes to our Control Panel, that are available with each of our cloud hosting plans. It includes over 800 exceptional website themes to choose from. Many of them are made for our hosting services specifically and are not available anywhere else. Each and every theme features intelligent installation and could be customized the way you like.

So, along with us you can get a new, completely unique and totally easy to customize site within a few mouse clicks.

800+ Free Themes

Completely customizable. Auto Setting up

With LiquidLayer.net, you’ll find a assortment of more than 800 free themes, built–in right into the Control Panel. This will certainly save several hours in browsing third–party theme web sites to search for the right theme for your website. Now you can get your template right out the Control Panel.

The free themes are obtainable with the Website Installer and then our own Cost Free Web Site Creating Tool. Each of these tools works with its very own range of templates, so you can easily test both and decide on the top appearance and feeling for your web site.

Free Website Themes

Free Web application Themes

Grab free themes for your forthcoming app

If you’re going to build a Joomla website or possibly start up a brand new Wordpress blog, we have a solution available for you. With our Applications Installer, you can decide on a free theme when installing your website. LiquidLayer.net’s wise system can deploy the template on your behalf and when your website will go live, it’s going to highlight the website theme you have decided on.

The free themes aren’t confined to just Joomla or WordPress. We have free themes for Moodle (e–learning), Mambo (CMS) and 4Images (image gallery).

Free App Themes

Free Site Builder Themes

100+ totally easy to customize free themes

Through the LiquidLayer.net Control Panel, you will have a chance to access the Cost Free Web Site Creating Tool tool, that offers over 100 exceptional web page templates. Each one theme is equipped with a couple of different styles and plenty of color choices. You’re at liberty to alter all of these web themes how you would like.

You shouldn’t have to have any knowledge in HTML or CSS to modify the templates within our Website Installer. Everything is done via the bundled editor, that’s easy to employ.

Free Site Builder Themes